Churches, schools, disability service providers, charities and not-for-profit (NFP) organisations face a unique mix of legal challenges. Our years of experience working with this sector has given us considerable insights into how to help not-for-profit (NFP) organisations meet these challenges.

You will have access to our charity lawyers who provide outstanding service, advice and experience, without the costs that are often associated with advice from large corporate firms.

Our comprehensive services in not-for-profit law include:

  • advising on the most appropriate charitable structure regarding tax and corporate governance issues
  • establishing and restructuring not-for-profit entities including companies limited by guarantee, incorporated associations and trusts including registration with the
  • ACNC and endorsement with the ATO
  • advising on and preparing funding and sponsorship agreements
  • advising on corporate governance of not-for-profit entities
  • endorsements with ACNC and ATO
  • advising on effective structures for profit-making activities
  • advising on and structuring mergers and the winding up of charities and not-for-profit organisations
  • risk management
  • obtaining fundraising licences throughout the country
  • general commercial legal advice relevant to not-for-profit organisations

Click here to view our latest not-for-profit (NFP) bulletin.

Need help with a charity? Our not-for-profit lawyers can help.

If you are interested in establishing a charity, and/or incorporating a company limited by guarantee, please download the relevant form:

If you need any help in this process, one of our charity lawyers would be happy to assist.


Your experts in Not-for-profit Law

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