Commercial Updates

Last of the loopholes? Let’s hope so!

Background All Australian employers will be acutely aware that the Federal government has, since the last election, embarked on a fairly aggressive program of targeted changes to the nation’s industrial relations laws. So far, we’ve had changes aimed at supporting Australia’s jobs and economic recovery[1], gained more respect at work[2], we’ve secured our jobs and Last of the loopholes? Let’s hope so!

Director Identification Numbers: What you need to do and when

The Federal government’s long touted Director Identification Numbers (DIN) are finally taking form. The DIN scheme is part of a suite of reforms being implemented as part of the 2020 Budget Digital Business Plan known as the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program. The MBR program will establish the new Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) which Director Identification Numbers: What you need to do and when

Posters of public content on social media liable in defamation as ‘publishers’

The High Court of Australia has dismissed an appeal [1] by media outlets Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd, Nationwide News Pty Limited and Australian News Channel Pty Ltd and confirmed that each of the appellants “published” comments made by third -party Facebook users on links shared on their public profiles. Accordingly, they were liable for defamatory Posters of public content on social media liable in defamation as ‘publishers’

Mandating vaccinations and mask-wearing at work: continuing uncertainty despite new guidance

Understandably, many Australian employers are confused about what they can and can’t do when it comes to mandating vaccinations for employees against COVID-19 or taking other measures, such as requiring employees to wear masks in the workplace.  Robust workplace protections for employees means that most Australian employers are conflicted between respecting workplace rights and meeting Mandating vaccinations and mask-wearing at work: continuing uncertainty despite new guidance

Government amends Corporations Act to provide temporary practical COVID relief to companies

With effect from Monday 5 May 2020, the Treasurer amended certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) to provide companies with welcome flexibility in how they may hold their meetings and execute documents electronically whilst individuals are subject to social distancing mandates. The amendments will operate for 6 months[1] and will cease to be in force Government amends Corporations Act to provide temporary practical COVID relief to companies

An overview of the COVIDSafe app

Yesterday the Prime Minister reiterated the government’s goal of having 16 million downloads of the COVIDSafe app as a primary means of tracking the progression of the COVID-19 virus. At today’s date, only 5 million users have downloaded the app, indicating that the community is wary or unsure of the app, how it works and An overview of the COVIDSafe app

National Code of Conduct for Leases

Introduction National Cabinet has published a code of conduct for leasing to apply during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic (defined by the period during which the Jobkeeper programme is operational) and a reasonable recovery period after the pandemic ends (referred to in this note as the ‘moratorium period’). There is to be State legislation National Code of Conduct for Leases

JobKeeper Payment Rules

Introduction The Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Rules (Rules) were released over the last weekend. These Rules set out the things that the Treasurer is permitted to do under the framework of the Coronavirus Economic Response Package legislation. Employer’s entitlement The Rules determine which employees (defined as eligible employees in the Rules) of a qualifying JobKeeper Payment Rules