The Associations Incorporation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020 contained some provisions that did not take effect immediately on the passing of the amendments. These provisions were to be subject to a consultation process by the Office of Fair Trading this year.  However, the timing of these consultations has now been delayed to 2022.

The provisions affected include new model rules, using a common seal, reduction in ACNC duplicative reporting, internal grievance procedures, extended powers of OFT inspectors, management committee duties of care, diligence, preventing insolvent trading, and disclosure of personal interests and remuneration.

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July 25, 2024

Wills and estate administration

In this, the second of a series of bulletins, we will deal with some of the issues and the terminology which was flagged in the first bulletin (October 2023). The will As explained in Bulletin No 1, the will is the document which controls the destination after death of the assets owned by an individual, Wills and estate administration

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July 17, 2024

The new financial year begins changes for all incorporated associations

The final new provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act fall into place for all associations from 1 July 2024. These new requirements are: following the grievance procedures in the Model Rules or inserting a compliant grievance procedure into your own set of rules and Remuneration disclosure and other benefits at the annual general meeting (AGM), The new financial year begins changes for all incorporated associations

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July 17, 2024

Does the Fair Work Commission have jurisdiction over your volunteers?

Organisations engaging volunteers need to be mindful that the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FWA) has some application to their volunteer workforce. This was highlighted in a recent Fair Work Commission decision in the matter of Anthony Walsh [2024] FWC 1514 (Walsh). The Walsh decision Mr Walsh was a volunteer for an incorporated association. The Does the Fair Work Commission have jurisdiction over your volunteers?

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